January is the annual prime time for changing habits and routines with new year’s resolutions. Monday is the beginning of the week, like January is the beginning of the new year for many people. However, depending on where you live, our natural surroundings don’t always reflect that. Here in Illinois, we’re coming off the darkest days of the season while the warmth isn’t due for another couple of months. We’re all focused on insulating ourselves in coats and blankets, not getting out of our comfort zone or disciplining ourselves to start new routines. Is this really the time for New Year’s resolutions?
Because of this timing, many new year’s resolutions don’t stay consistent. This causes many of us to blame ourselves for being “lazy, “not disciplined enough,” or “incapable of growth.” These are unfair reflections.
Take a look out the window. Reflect for a moment as you come in or leave your home. The trees and flowers are far from blooming. In fact, they look pretty dead. But does that mean nothing is happening underneath the soil? The roots shed their leaves and fruits to conserve energy, reflect on the past year’s atmosphere changes, and evolve to be bigger and better for the upcoming spring.
Planting seeds to grow healthy new plants (starting new habits) won’t mean anything if an invasive species (grudges, limiting beliefs, traumas, etc.) take over the land anyway. We have to find clarity from reflection, remove what doesn’t work, and plant new possibilities to germinate those changes and evolve so our seeds can successfully sprout.
What new year’s resolutions were you planning to start this month? Which ones have kept up, and which ones have not? Instead of judging yourself, consider if these habits are genuinely in line with your values and aspirations. If not, adjust! January 1st is one day of the whole year. There are 364 more days this year to evolve and let the world see you blossom.
For those experiencing the challenge of death, not in nature, but of a loved one, keep an eye out for an upcoming announcement about our safe and healing Death Cafe workshop experience coming soon.
Other exciting events we have coming up are our SoulCollage workshops on 1/22, 2/19, 3/19, and 4/16 from 1:00pm – 3:30pm. Register by contacting lynne@life-after-loss.com or 630.567.8171.
If you need support during this time of year, you can learn more about our services (women’s therapy, EMDR therapy, Reiki, Tarot, and more!) on our website or by contacting us at 630-999-8236 or info@forwardemotion.com.
“A growth cycle of cashew plant on a white background.” Nadiia Havryliuk Kharzhevska. Photo from Dreamstime. https://www.dreamstime.com/kharzhevskanadiya_info
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