Reiki, (pronounced “ray-key”), means “Universal Life Force Energy”, is an energy healing practice used to treat many physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health issues, and is growing in popularity and demand in the U.S.
It is an energy healing method that has been tested and explained scientifically. See research examples below:
If you’ve heard of Reiki, it may still be vague as far as what it is, how it works, or what it helps. You may have heard of it being used in cancer clinics or medical hospitals, in both instances to boost the body’s healing and immune system, relieve pain, and bring deep relaxation to the body, mind, and spirit. This is just the beginning…
Reiki can be the relief needed, when we feel stuck in unhealthy thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations. Life pushes us sometimes… to keep going and ignore these disruptive experiences, physical pain, and deep internal conflicts. Energy healing allows for multi-level shifts, creating relief, healthy flow, and clarity for – believe it or not, your mind, body AND spirit all at once. Can you imagine that? Whatever your body is lacking, Reiki works to restore and balance you to your optimal functioning.
Reiki is an energy healing practice that originates in ancient eastern philosophy, developed by a man named Mikao Usui. It is “life force energy”, sometimes called “white light energy”, that is channeled by the practitioner to help people shift from uncomfortable or unpleasant states of mind or body to renewed states of peace and balance. This includes physical pain, racing or depressed thoughts, emotional distress or energetic discord.
Practitioners are trained by a Reiki Master, and energetically “attuned” to be able to receive and channel Reiki energy to help clients heal. Usui is known to have believed that “holy people such as Buddha and Jesus tapped into a universal energy for their healing work.”*
Do you ever feel that buzzing feeling in you body that won’t let you get to sleep? Do you feel your stress and emotions deeply and in a big way, and almost like they get stuck in your body? Does your mind go into hyper-drive at times, or maybe get stuck, or in low-gear?
The human body tries to cope with life’s stressors, but the best of us suffer from the natural consequences of energetic imbalance, in the form of these unpleasant and sometimes unbearable symptoms.
When our body’s energy centers are blocked, flowing too much, or too little, symptoms can show up in many ways, but they all can be a reflection of an energetic disturbance in your Chakra or Meridian energy system.
Reiki is not massage or therapy. In a Reiki session, you have the option to sit in a chair, or lay fully clothed on a massage table. During the course of the session, the Reiki practitioner will hover or softly place her palms over your body. The healing occurs in the movement of energy through energy centers of your body.
Sabrina, Forward Emotion’s Reiki practitioner, offers to integrate holistic healing methods into each session, as determined by each individual’s needs and preferences. This may or may not include use of relaxing, meditation or sound healing music, guided imagery, healing crystals and/or aromatherapy. She will always use her compassionate heart and intention to heal. To read more about Sabrina click here.
During a Reiki session, you might experience deep relaxation, warming sensations and/or a reduction in pain. You may have a dream like experience with imagery, emotions, and/or memories. You may also experience muscle release. Afterwards, some people also find a better connection to their intuition and creativity, and spirituality. The experience of Reiki varies from person to person and even from session to session, as reiki energy itself is intuitively healing and seeks out the areas most in need of balance.
As psychotherapy works to support growth and balance in emotional and cognitive mind, Reiki helps to establish balance in the energetic body. As holistic beings, how we feel, think, move and exist energetically is all interrelated. If there is imbalance in any area of your wellness, this can be a sign that your energy is also out of balance.
Reiki is a great complementary treatment to receive alongside psychotherapy or medical treatment. This is because healing and balancing your energy body can help you make the changes you’re looking for in life, as well as reach your overall wellness goals within your physical body, thoughts and emotions.
We would be happy to explain more about Reiki and how it can help your specific situation during a free 15- or 20-minute phone consultation.
Contact Forward Emotion today to get started!
Please note: Forward Emotion practitioners do not claim that Reiki is guaranteed to reach exact desired outcomes for everyone, or every time. Forward Emotion practitioners are not medical doctors, and therefore do not diagnose medical conditions, nor prescribe or perform medical treatment. Reiki and accompanying energy healing techniques are forms of “alternative therapy” which are non-invasive holistic wellness practices. Results may vary.
*Frazier, K. (2015). Crystals for healing: The complete reference guide. NY, New York: Althea Press.