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Setting Goals Instead of Resolutions in 2020

Setting Goals Instead of Resolutions in 2020

The other day I was watching tv, my BFF [Best Furry Feline] by my side. Her name is Muffin, and one of my favorite things about her is that she lives her life without any guilt. None. She doesn’t feel guilty for sitting on the sofa with me watching television. She...
The Benefits of ACT Therapy

The Benefits of ACT Therapy

When you do not feel good, you don’t always know what you need to feel better. Sure, with some stuff like the common cold or a headache, you’ve got some go-to solutions like soup and hot showers, but other times you just know that you do not want to feel bad anymore....
Embracing a Positive Body Image

Embracing a Positive Body Image

As a woman, what do you think when you see your best friend, your sister, or your mother in their swimsuit during a pool day? Or if you go shopping for clothes together and share a fitting room? Do you look at them and critique the ‘imperfections’? Do you...

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